Minecraft Ps Vita Mods Download

Posted byGlCorreia4 years ago

Find downloads for all the firmware updates as well as mod installers like our winstaller to make modding your PSP very easy. Downgrading psvita / pstv to factory version by using Modoru utility. Minecraft Resource Converter 1.0. I see many peoples want to see Lamecraft with crafting, so I am maked mod for it which alows crafting:). Add file Report MineCraft: Playstation Portable Edition - AT 3 Location.

Minecraft Vita: Hunger Games and other MOD's

I'm thinking about buying Minecraft for my Vita somewhere in November (phsysical edition). I admit that Minecraft never was my cup of tea, however everything is better on Vita (at least more fun to play).

I was sure that I would only be able to play a Vanilla version of Minecraft, however there are some post's that shows some people recruting for 'Hunger Games' mode... on Vita!

I believe this (and others) is a mod only available for pc. Is it possible to play this type of mod's on Vita? How?

Minecraft Ps Vita Rom

If this is somewhat possible, Minecraft becomes funnier game for sure.

60% Upvoted


Minecraft Ps Vita Wiki

If you use a Debian based distribution (like Ubuntu), download the .deb package and install it. This should install all the required dependencies for you. If your environment doesn't have a graphical package installer, you can install the package from the terminal, like this:

apt-get install Minecraft.deb



Minecraft Ps Vita Mods Download Free

On Arch and Arch based distributions, the package is available as minecraft-launcher from the AUR. AUR is a repository of packages maintained by the community. You can read more about how to use it on the Arch wiki.


Minecraft Ps Vita Download

On other distributions, you can download just the raw launcher files as an archive, extract them somewhere and run them in any way that is convenient (from a terminal, creating a shortcut, etc.). You will need Java, and some dependencies, most of which should already be present on common linux desktops. This is definitely the 'some assembly required' option though.

Minecraft Playstation Vita Edition Mod Download

You'll need an internet connection the first time you launch the game, but after that you can play offline without any issues.